


About Management

Mahathma Gandhi College ,Iritty,aided by Kerala Government and affiliated to Kannur University,is one of the prominent institutions of higher learning belonging to the jurisdiction of Kannur University.The college has secured a commendable track record of academic achievement owing to the joint efforts of the management, principal, teaching, non-teaching staff,students, parents, alumni and other stake holders associated with the college.

The College is ably managed by Iritty Educational Society,a non-profit society formed for promoting higher education in the region for which prominent people and leaders in the society irrespective of political affiliation joined hands togother and mobilised resources for the founding of the college.Iritty Educational Society is unique in the sense that it may be the only one society of this nature in Kerala which has created a harmonious platform for all political parties belonging to the broad spectrum of allegiances and ideological affiliations so that all political parties belonging to the U.D.F. and the L.D.F. and B.J.P. work together for the promotion of higher education in this region.Indeed it is a starting example for the reciprocity shown by discovering people for the development and progress and hence can be registered a commandable model for the whole nation.

Sri. K. P. Noorudeen (Ex-Minister) was the founder and President of Iritty Educational Society. He assumed the office of the manager of Mahatma Gandhi College Iritty from 1995 to 2016. In 2016 Adv. Sunny Joseph MLA became the President of Iritty Educational Society and Manager of Mahathma Gandhi College. Since 2016Sri. C. V. Joseph is the President of Iritty Educational Society and Manager of Mahathma Gandhi College. A Director Board comprising twenty-one members controls the administrative matters of Iritty Educational Society, which is the educational agency that manages Mahatma Gandhi College. The present office bearers of Iritty Educational Society are the following personalities.

  1. Chandran Thillankeri : President
  2. CS Sebastian : Vice-President
  3. Jaison Karakkat : Vice President
  4. Y. Y.Mathai : General Secretary
  5. K Valsaraj : Secretary
  6. Benny Thomas : Secretary
  7. Sathyan Kommeri : Treasurer
  8. Adv. Sunny Joseph MLA : Ex-office Director
  9. Jose Narimattam : Director
  10. Adv. K. A. Philip : Director
  11. Philomena Kakattil : Director
  12. CVM Vijayan : Director
  13. R K Balakrishanan : Director
  14. Sateesan Mavila : Director
  15. P C Poker : Director
  16. Ramakrishan Ezhuthan : Director
  17. P P Mukundan Master : Director
  18. M Ajesh : Director
  19. M V Chandran : Director
  20. Jasser K P : Director
  21. Dileep Mohanan : Director


Iritty Educational Society intends to be the platform of the will of the people of the region for constructive action in the field of higher education for individual development, social reconstruction and national integration.
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The mission of the society is to establish and nurture institutions of higher learning for the young generation in search of all round development and social mobility.
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“Accessibility Equity Quality”
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Major Milestones in the Development of Iritty Educational Society

Formation of Iritty Educational Society as the materialization of the vision and the will of the industrious people having social commitment.

Purchased 16.5 acres of land at Keezhurkunnu, Iritty near Thalassery-Mysore State Highway.

Applied for getting sanction for an aided College affiliated to Calicut University.

Academy Leadership The first Director Board of Iritty Educational Society came into existence :

Name Position
K.P.Noorudheen, Ex.Minister President
C.S.Sebastian Vice President
P.V.Narayanan Vice President
M.C.Balakrishnan Nambiar.M.C. Treasurer
K.Sambu Embranthiri General Secretary
M.J.John Secretary
Kader.K.Mannora Secretary
K.T.Kunhahammed Ex.Officio Director
K.Madhusoodanan Vazhunnavar Director
M.K.Dinesan Director
Jose Narimattom Director
Balakandy Ramunni Director
N.Kunhimoosa Director
Narikkodan Raghavan Director
K.Ebrahim Director
K.P.Velayudhan Director
V.Kammaran Nambiar Director
Tom Mathew Director
P.K.Kader Kutty Haji Director
K.Narayanan Vazhunnavar Director
K.K.Narendran Director

Established Mahatma Gandhi Industrial Training Institute (MGITI with the course Automobile.

Engineering of two years duration having the permanent affiliation of NCVT, Government of India.

Establishment of Mahatma Gandhi College, Iritty, aided by Kerala Government and affiliated to Calicut University, with three degree courses, viz, B.Sc. Physics, B.Sc. Mathematics and B.Com.

Construction of a semi permanent building for the College.

Construction of permanent building (A Block) for the College.

The Board of Directors of Iritty Educational Society was reconstituted.

Name Position
K.P.Noorudheen, Ex.Minister President
C.S.Sebastian Vice President
P.V.Narayanan Vice President
K.Sambu Embranthiri Treasurer
Kader.K.Mannora General Secretary
M.J.John Secretary
V.T.Govindan Master Secretary
A.D.Musthafa Ex.Officio Director
K.Madhusoodanan Vazhunnavar Director
V.Kammaran Nambiar Director
Jose Narimattom Director
Balakandy Ramunni Director
N.Kunhimoosa Director
Narikodan Raghavan Director
E.Ebrahim Director
T.K.Pavithran Director
Adv.K.A.Philip Director
Tom Mathew Director
P.K.Kadarkutty Haji Director
Adv.Sabu Varghees Director
R.P.Padmanabhan Director

B.Sc. Computer Science was started in the College.

M.Sc.Mathematics was started in the College.

The third Director Board of Iritty Educational Society came into being.

Name Position
K.P.Noorudheen, Ex.Minister President
C.S.Sebastian Vice President
C.V.Joseph Vice President
V.V.Chandran Treasurer
Baby John Pinappallil General Secretary
A.Gopalan Master Secretary
A.K.Chacko Secretary
P.V.Narayanan Director
M.J.John Director
K.C.Joseph Director
P.Kuttiappa Master Director
Jose Narimattam Director
Uthaman Kallai Director
Jose Francis Director
K.J.Joseph Director
Adv.K.A.Philip Director
Sebatian Kakkattil Director
P.K.Kadar Kutty Haji Director
Adv.Sabu Varghese Director
Manoharan Kaithappuram Director
K.K.Shylaja Teacher MLA Ex.Officio Director

Construction of B Block for the College.

UGC recognition for the College was obtained and the financial assistance of the UGC for various projects was opened for the College development.

Fourth Director Board of Iritty Educational Society came into being.

Name Position
K.P.Noorudheen, Ex.Minister President
C.S.Sebastian Vice President
P.V.Narayanan Vice President
V.V.Chandran Treasurer
Baby John Pinappallil General Secretary
M.J.John Secretary
A.Gopalan Master Secretary
Kadar Kutty Haji Director
Adv.K.A.Philip Director
Jose Narimattom Director
P.Kuttiappa Master Director
Uthaman Kalli Director
C.Kunjiraman Director
N.V.Balakrishnan Director
K.A.Jaison Director
P.K.Thomas Director
A.K.Chacko Director
P.V.Narayanan Kutty Director
C.V.Joseph Director
Philomina Sebastian Director
Adv.Sunny Joseph MLA Ex.Officio Director

College Canteen building was constructed with UGC aid.

Water reservoir for Drinking Water Project was constructed with the help of MPLAD Scheme ofSri.Thennala Balakrishna Pillai.M.P.

Draughtsman Civil Course started in MGITI

Society Office Building constructed.

Women’s Hostel constructed with UGC AID.

Construction of ‘C’ Block for the College completed.

Construction of College Auditorium.

College Library building constructed with the financial aid of Sri.A.K Antony M.P under MPLAD Scheme.

College Open Air Auditorium constructed with the financial aid of Sri.A.P.Abdullakutty M.P under MPLAD Scheme.

Renovation of College Computer Lab with the fund provided by Smt. Shylaja Teacher MLA.

The Fifth Director Board of Iritty Educational Society formed.

Name Position
K.P.Noorudheen, Ex.Minister President
C.S.Sebastian Vice President
P.V.Narayanan Vice President
V.V.Chandran Treasurer
Baby John Pinappallil General Secretary
M.J.John Secretary
A.Gopalan Master Secretary
Kadar Kutty Haji Director
Adv.K.A.Philip Director
Jose Narimattom Director
P.Kuttiappa Master Director
Uthaman Kalli Director
C.Kunjiraman Director
N.V.Balakrishnan Director
Sasi.K.M. Director
P.K.Thomas Director
K.Vijayan Director
P.V.Narayanan Kutty Director
C.V.Joseph Director
Philomina Sebastian Director
Adv.Sunny Joseph MLA Ex.Officio Director

Generator with 45 KVA capacity was installed with UGC aid.

Two aided courses, viz. M.Com and BBA started in the College.

Construction of ‘D’ Block completed.

Construction of Basket ball court with the financial aid of UGC.

Construction of Sports Stadium with the financial aid of UGC.

Construction of New Entrance and Gate for the College.

Rain Water Harvesting Project of 1 lakh litre capacity was constructed.

Another Rain Water Recharging Project of 24 lakh litre capacity was implemented.

M.G.Co-Operative Society formed and the Co-operative Store began to function.

M.G.Knowledge Centre was opened as part of College Complex.

Expansion of College Library with the construction of the first floor and the establishment of Art Gallery.

Sri K.P Noorudheen Sahib expired on 29/5/2016.

Adv. Sunny Joseph MLA assumed office of the President IES and Manager, Mahatma gandhi College - Iritty on 10th June 2016.

Mahatma Gandhi I.T.I

Iritty Educational Society started Mahatma Gandhi ITI in the year 1994. The founding of this institution was the first significant achievement of Iritty Educational Society in its pursuit of providing facilities for the proper education for the fulfillment of the development of the youth of the region. This institution is the first of its kind in the locality. In the absence of institutions imparting technical education in the region, MG ITI rendered pioneering service where around 80 students pursue education in the Automobile Engineering and Draughtsman Civil. Seven staff members including the Principal are rendering service at MG ITI. Those who have completed their training from MGITI are at present employed in India as well as abroad, thereby contributing to individual, social and national development and a social dynamism has come into being on account of the pioneering and valuable service rendered by MGITI.

Iritty Educational Society keeps its promise of Social Commitment

Iritty Educational Society (IES) came into being as the fulfillment of the long cherished dream of the people belonging to the region. The primary aim of Iritty Educational Society is to found and nurture institutions for higher studies where the upcoming young generation can hone their talents with the purpose of ensuring their development along with social development and harmony in life. Iritty Educational Society always keep in view its mission to establish and nurture institutions of higher learning which should be accessible to the aspiring youth. With regard to the admission in the institutions under its care, always merit is given prominence so that quality is maintained well. Hence the two institutions managed by Iritty Educational Society, viz, Mahatma Gandhi College, Iritty and MG ITI have evolved to be institutions having excellence and wide goodwill across the different strata of society. In the admission to Management quota seats also, merit is given its due weightage and the children of the members of Iritty Educational Society receive a fair consideration as a sign of its social commitment. As a gesture of its commitment to society and the weaker section of the people, Iritty Educational Society supports the education of five students every year by providing scholarships in the light of their need and merit. Also the society provides monetary assistance to five students in their project to gain training as part of the Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) for which each student is in need of Rs.7000/- as fee.

Iritty Educational Society has met the expenses of appointing a Lady Matron and Watchman for the Women’s Hostel with a view to providing facilities for the stay of girls students and the room rent to be kept down to the minimum for ensuring equity and accessibility. A fully furnished canteen with all facilities is provided rent free to the agency that food can be supplied to students and the staff at reduced rate as far as possible.

At the time of the appointment of teachers and the Non Teaching Staff, meritorious candidates are selected as a rule. Also, as far as possible, preference is given to candidates belonging to the district in order to do justice to its vision, mission and the motto. On the whole, Iritty Educational Society has lived up to the expectation of the people whose dreams and aspirations act as the driving force of this noble venture focused on imparting knowledge for all round development and spreading the fragrance of social amity for harmony and true integration of hearts. Thus, true to its vision, mission and motto, Iritty Educational Society evolved to be the harmonious confluence of people belonging to all political ideologies united with the vision of being and doing good for the humanity. Hence Iritty Educational Society has become a promising sign of positive significance and a valuable model to be emulated all over India.