


In Self Discovery……………….

Mahatma Gandhi College, Iritty witnessed the noble realization of the long cherished dream of forming a platform for the old students to come together on February 28, 2003. It was presumed by the alumni to extend help to each other and also to inspire, enlighten and motivate the students of the college. With this purpose in mind, we have launched a few projects, within and outside the college. At the outset, the scribing of the golden history of our alumni commenced with a get together in the academic year 2003-04, on the initiative of a group of former students. It was a grand success with over 200 students participating with all vivacity and vigour to initiate a profound and edifying mission as this.

The objectives of Alumni Association were decided upon:

  • To organize goal oriented programmes on behalf of the alumni for the benefit of the college
  • To foster a spirit of loyalty, involvement and commitment to the college by its alumni
  • To support the college in its pursuit of attaining excellence in the academic and co curricular programme
  • To promote the intellectual, social and cultural interest of the alumni by meetings, publications etc.

A constitution was drawn out for the smooth functioning of this association. It was decided to execute a scheme of collecting membership fee to initiate a financial resource. The alumni also agreed to implement programmes and projects, under their auspices, for the welfare of students.

The Alumni Association of our College thus started its historic voyage in self-discovery with the right foot forward……….

Sri. Vinod M. K

Alumni Association

Sri. Biju John T

Alumni Association
Student Testimonials