• Programme : BSc Mathematics
  • Duration of the Course : 3 Years [ 6 Semester ]
  • Sanctioned Strength : 32

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Programme Specific Outcomes

PSO 1: Understand the basic concepts and tools of Mathematical logic, Set theory, Number theory, Geometry, Calculus, Algebra, Abstract structures, Linear Algebra, Analysis, Laplace transforms, Fourier series, Graph theory, and Optimization and methods of proofs.

PSO 2: Model real world problems into Mathematical problems and find solutions and understand the application of Mathematics in other Sciences and Engineering.

Programme Outcomes

PO 1. Critical Thinking

1.1. Acquire the ability to apply the basic tenets of logic and science to thoughts, actions and interventions.
1.2. Develop the ability to chart out a progressive direction for actions and interventions by learning to recognize the presence of hegemonic ideology within certain dominant notions.
1.3 Develop self-critical abilities and also the ability to view positions, problems and social issues from plural perspectives.

PO 2. Effective Citizenship

2.1. Learn to participate in nation building by adhering to the principles of sovereignty of the nation, socialism, secularism, democracy and the values that guide a republic.
2.2. Develop and practice gender sensitive attitudes, environmental awareness, empathetic social awareness about various kinds of marginalisation and the ability to understand and resist various kinds of discriminations. 2.3. Internalise certain highlights of the nation’s and region’s history. Especially of the freedom movement, the renaissance within native societies and the project of modernisation of the post-colonial society.

PO 3. Effective Communication

3.1. Acquire the ability to speak, write, read and listen clearly in person and through electronic media in both English and in one Modern Indian Language 3.2. Learn to articulate, analyse, synthesise, and evaluate ideas and situations in a well-informed manner.
3.3. Generate hypotheses and articulate assent or dissent by employing both reason and creative thinking.

PO 4. Interdisciplinarity

4.1. Perceive knowledge as an organic, comprehensive, interrelated and integrated faculty of the human mind.
4.2. Understand the issues of environmental contexts and sustainable development as a basic interdisciplinary concern of all disciplines.
4.3. Develop aesthetic, social, humanistic and artistic sensibilities for problem solving and evolving a comprehensive perspective.

Semester wise Description of Papers :

No Title of the Course Course Contact hours /week Credits Exam hrs
1 Common Course (English) 5 4 3
2 Common Course (English) 4 3 3
3 Common Course (Additional Language) 4 4 3
4 Core Course 1 4 4 3
5 Complementary 1 (Course I) 4 3 3
6 Complementary 2 (Course I) 4 3 3
No Title of the Course Course Contact hours /week Credits Exam hrs
1 Common Course (English) 5 4 3
2 Common Course (English) 4 3 3
3 Common Course (Additional Language) 4 4 3
4 Core Course 1 4 4 3
5 Complementary 1 (Course II) 4 3 3
6 Complementary 2 (Course II) 4 3 3
No Title of the Course Course Contact hours /week Credits Exam hrs
1 Common Course (English) 5 4 3
2 Common Course (Additional Language) 5 4 3
3 Core Course 3 5 4 3
4 Complementary 1 (Course III) 5 3 3
5 Complementary 1 (Course III) 5 3 3
No Title of the Course Course Contact hours /week Credits Exam hrs
1 Common Course (English) 5 4 3
2 Common Course (Additional Language) 5 4 3
3 Core Course 3 5 4 3
4 Complementary 1 (Course III) 5 3 3
5 Complementary 1 (Course III) 5 3 3
No Title of the Course Course Contact hours /week Credits Exam hrs
1 Open Course 1 2 2 3
2 Core Course 5 4 4 3
3 Core Course 6 5 4 3
4 Core Course 7 5 4 3
5 Core Course 8 4 3 3
6 Core Course 9 5 4 3
No Title of the Course Course Contact hours /week Credits Exam hrs
1 Open Course 2 2 2 3
2 Core Course 10 5 4 3
3 Core Course 11 5 4 3
4 Core Course 12 5 3 3
5 Core Course 13 4 3 3
6 Core Course 14(Elective) 4 3 3
7 Project - 2 -

Core Courses:

Course CodeCourse Code Semester Title of the Course Contact Hours No. of Credit
1B 01 MAT I Methodology and Perspectives of Sciences 72 4
2B 02 MAT II Foundation of Higher Mathematics 72 4
3B 03 MAT III Informatics 90 4
4B 04 MAT IV Calculus 90 4
5D 01 MAT V Open Course 36 2
5B 05 MAT V Vector Analysis 72 4
5B 06 MAT V Real Analysis 90 4
5B 07 MAT V Abstract Algebra 90 4
5B 08 MAT VI Graph Theory 72 3
5B 09 MAT V Differential equations and Numerical Analysis 90 4
6D 02 MAT VI Open Course 36 2
6B 10 MAT VI Analysis and Topolgy 90 4
6B 11 MAT VI Complex Analysis 90 4
6B 12 MAT VI Linear Algebra 90 3
6B 13 MAT VI Integral Calculus 72 3
6B 14 MAT VI Electives :
1. Programming With C Language 42 (Theory) 2
2. Mechanics 72 3
3. Operation Research 72 3
4. Mathematical Modelling 72 3
5. Number Theory and Cryptography 72 3
6. Coding Theory 72 3
VI Project - 2

Complementary Coures:

Course CodeCourse Code Semester Title of the Course Hours/ Week No. of Credit
1C01CSC I Introduction to IT and C programming 2 2
1C02CSC I Lab –I ( C Programming ) 2 0
2C03CSC II Programming in C++ 2 2
2C04CSC II Lab – II (C++ Programming) 2 2
3C05CSC III Data Base Management System 3 2
3C06CSC III Lab III (DBMS Lab) 2 0
4C07CSC IV Visual Basic 3 2
4C08CSC IV Lab IV (Visual Basic) 2 2
Course CodeCourse Code Semester Title of the Course Hours/ Week No. of Credit
1C01STA I Basic Statistics 4 3
2C02STA II Probability theory and Random, variables 4 3
3C03STA III Standard Distribution 5 3
4C04STA IV Statistical Inference 5 3

Common Coures:

Course CodeCourse Code Semester Title of the Course Hours/ Week No. of Credit
1A01ENG I Critical Reasoning and Academic Presentation Skills 5 4
1A02ENG II Communication skills in English 4 4
2A03ENG III Indian Constitution, Secularism and Environment 5 4
2A04ENG IV Reading Literatures 4 4
3A05ENG V Literature and Cotemporary Issues 5 4
4A06ENG VI Moments from History and Philosophy of Science. 5 4