P.K Muralidharan Memorial Trust

At Mahatma Gandhi College, a Tutorial Council functions with the aim of addressing the scholarly and personal problems of the students as part of which individual care and attention is given to students, if the need arises. Weak students are identified and tutorial / remedial coaching programmes are conducted. If it is necessary in individual cases, professional counselling is also given to students with the help of a qualified clinical psychologist under the supervision of Students Welfare Cell. Ensuring all round development of all students is the aim of Tutorial council.

Tutors will closely watch the conduct and progress of students under their care. Tutors may direct their wards to students’ grievance redressel cell for guidance and counseling.

It serves the following functions also :
  • Implementation of Tutorial/Remedial Coaching Programmes
  • Good Inter-personal relationship between Teachers and students.
  • Value education.
  • Class wise PTA Meetings.
  • Prepare time table for tutorial programmes.
  • Ensure general discipline on the campus.
Convener : Dr.AneeshKumar.K. - HOD Statistics
Members : All tutors